
Technology based on Nobel Prize-winning science

At the heart of Double Helix Optics is our engineered point spread function (ePSF) technology. Our team has expanded upon and refined a foundation of Nobel Prize-winning methods for super-resolution microscopy into a robust portfolio of spatial imaging solutions that enables the 3D imaging of structures and processes down to the molecular level. By capturing 2-20x the native depth of field with each image, scanning and stitching of axial slices is reduced or eliminated.

Breast cancer cells. Image credit: Lam et al., bioRxiv (2019). DOI
Tubulin. Image credit: DHO

Instantaneous 3D with SPINDLE® & 3DTRAX®

Our line of SPINDLE® modules and corresponding library of phase masks is the fastest way to achieve instantaneous 3D.  

With offerings that include multi-channel systems that connect directly to existing microscopes to OEM integrations, the SPINDLE platform is designed to match your application. 3DTRAX® software works in tandem with SPINDLE to ensure accurate and precise data recovery for quantitative imaging results.


From super resolution to whole cell & live cell

Double Helix Optics solutions have been chosen by leading scientists to advance a broad array of scientific challenges.

Our technology can be used for investigations of live or fixed samples down to the molecular level, and is compatible with many common illumination modes and sample preparation techniques.

Image credit: S. Upton & W. Colomb, CU Boulder/DHO

What will you discover?

mRNP stress granule. Image credit: S. Jain, et al. (2016) Cell. DOl

Determine the interactions between key proteins and neural structures in the search to understand disease and develop new therapeutics

Simultaneous multi-color particle tracking.Image credit: DHO

Instantaneously track fast-moving, dynamic processes with large spatial excursions.

Cells with densely packed emitters.Image credit: DHO

With our deep focus technology capture up to 5x the native depth of field and see an entire object of interest in focus in a single image

Co-localization of chromatin genes in live yeast cell. Image credit: M. Backlund, et al. (2014) Molecular Biology of the Cell. DOl

Untangle the web of transcriptomics, genomics, and proteomics by efficiently imaging multiplexed, correlated, and dense emitters

T-cell membrane.Image credit: E. Sanders, et al. (2022) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.DOl

Visualize structures in 3D with instantaneous depth capture and precision an order of magnitude better than conventional microscopy, in x, y, and z

Leading modalities

Match our technology to your preferred techniques, from illumination to emission to measurement

Bacterial ciliary membrane. Image credit: J. Yoon, et al. (2018) Biophysical Journal. DOI

Investigate the many facets of cells across spatial scales, subcellular structures to intercellular processes

Breast cancer cell with glycocalyx-covered membrane tubules.Image credit: L. Möckl, et al. (2019) Developmental Cell.DOI

Uncover mechanisms of disease and therapeutic pathways, from infectious bacteria to cancer to dementia

mRNP stress granule. Image credit: S. Jain, et al. (2016) Cell. DOl

Determine the interactions between key proteins and neural structures in the search to understand disease and develop new therapeutics

Simultaneous multi-color particle tracking.Image credit: DHO

Instantaneously track fast-moving, dynamic processes with large spatial excursions.

Cells with densely packed emitters.Image credit: DHO

With our deep focus technology capture up to 5x the native depth of field and see an entire object of interest in focus in a single image

Co-localization of chromatin genes in live yeast cell. Image credit: M. Backlund, et al. (2014) Molecular Biology of the Cell. DOl

Untangle the web of transcriptomics, genomics, and proteomics by efficiently imaging multiplexed, correlated, and dense emitters

T-cell membrane.Image credit: E. Sanders, et al. (2022) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.DOl

Visualize structures in 3D with instantaneous depth capture and precision an order of magnitude better than conventional microscopy, in x, y, and z

Leading modalities

Match our technology to your preferred techniques, from illumination to emission to measurement

Ready to learn more?