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Three-dimensional virtual refocusing of fluorescence microscopy images using deep learning
We demonstrate that a deep neural network can be trained to virtually refocus a two-dimensional fluorescence image onto user-defined three-dimensional (3D) surfaces within the sample. Using this method, termed Deep-Z, we imaged the neuronal activity of a Caenorhabditis elegans worm in 3D using a time sequence of fluorescence images acquired at a single focal plane, digitally increasing the depth-of-field by 20-fold without any axial scanning, additional hardware or a trade-off of imaging resolution and speed. Furthermore, we demonstrate that this approach can correct for sample drift, tilt and other aberrations, all digitally performed after the acquisition of a single fluorescence image. This framework also cross-connects different imaging modalities to each other, enabling 3D refocusing of a single wide-field fluorescence image to match confocal microscopy images acquired at different sample planes. Deep-Z has the potential to improve volumetric imaging speed while reducing challenges relating to sample drift, aberration and defocusing that are associated with standard 3D fluorescence microscopy.

Deformation of microgels at solid-liquid interfaces visualized in three-dimensions
Solid-liquid interfaces play an important role for functional devices. Hence, a detailed understanding of the interaction of soft matter objects with solid supports and of the often concomitant structural deformations is of great importance. We address this topic in a combined experimental and simulation approach. We investigated thermoresponsive poly(N-isopropylmethacrylamide) microgels (μGs) at different surfaces in an aqueous environment. As super-resolution fluorescence imaging method, three-dimensional direct stochastical optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM) allowed for visualizing μGs in their three-dimensional (3D) shape, for example, in a “fried-egg” conformation depending on the hydrophilicity of the surface (strength of adsorption). The 3D shape, as defined by point clouds obtained from single-molecule localizations, was analyzed. A new fitting algorithm yielded an isosurface of constant density which defines the deformation of μGs at the different surfaces. The presented methodology quantifies deformation of objects with fuzzy surfaces and allows for comparison of their structures, whereby it is completely independent from the data acquisition method. Finally, the experimental data are complemented with mesoscopic computer simulations in order to (i) rationalize the experimental results and (ii) to track the evolution of the shape with changing surface hydrophilicity; a good correlation of the shapes obtained experimentally and with computer simulations was found.

Diffusive escape of a nanoparticle from a porous cavity
Narrow escape from confinement through a nanochannel is the critical step of complex transport processes including size-exclusion-based separations, oil and gas extraction from the microporous subsurface environment, and ribonucleic acid translocation through nuclear pore complex channels. While narrow escape has been studied using theoretical and computational methods, experimental quantification is rare because of the difficulty in confining a particle into a microscopic space through a nanoscale hole. Here, we studied narrow escape in the context of continuous nanoparticle diffusion within the liquid-filled void space of an ordered porous material. Specifically, we quantified the spatial dependence of nanoparticle motion and the sojourn times of individual particles in the interconnected confined cavities of a liquid-filled inverse opal film. We found that nanoparticle motion was inhibited near cavity walls and cavity escape was slower than predicted by existing theories and random-walk simulations. A combined computational-experimental analysis indicated that translocation through a nanochannel is barrier controlled rather than diffusion controlled.

Single-molecule tracking microscopy - a tool for determining the diffusive states of cytosolic molecules
Single-molecule localization microscopy probes the position and motions of individual molecules in living cells with tens of nanometer spatial and millisecond temporal resolution. These capabilities make single-molecule localization microscopy ideally suited to study molecular level biological functions in physiologically relevant environments. Here, we demonstrate an integrated protocol for both acquisition and processing-analysis of single-molecule tracking data to extract the different diffusive states a protein of interest may exhibit. This information can be used to quantify molecular complex formation in living cells. We provide a detailed description of a camera-based 3D single-molecule localization experiment, as well as the subsequent data processing steps that yield the trajectories of individual molecules. These trajectories are then analyzed using a numerical analysis framework to extract the prevalent diffusive states of the fluorescently labeled molecules and the relative abundance of these states. The analysis framework is based on stochastic simulations of intracellular Brownian diffusion trajectories that are spatially confined by an arbitrary cell geometry. Based on the simulated trajectories, raw single-molecule images are generated and analyzed in the same way as experimental images. In this way, experimental precision and accuracy limitations, which are difficult to calibrate experimentally, are explicitly incorporated into the analysis workflow. The diffusion coefficient and relative population fractions of the prevalent diffusive states are determined by fitting the distributions of experimental values using linear combinations of simulated distributions. We demonstrate the utility of our protocol by resolving the diffusive states of a protein that exhibits different diffusive states upon forming homo- and hetero-oligomeric complexes in the cytosol of a bacterial pathogen.

Quantitative super-resolution microscopy of the mammalian glycocalyx
The mammalian glycocalyx is a heavily glycosylated extramembrane compartment found on nearly every cell. Despite its relevance in both health and disease, studies of the glycocalyx remain hampered by a paucity of methods to spatially classify its components. We combine metabolic labeling, bioorthogonal chemistry, and super-resolution localization microscopy to image two constituents of cell-surface glycans, N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) and sialic acid, with 10–20 nm precision in 2D and 3D. This approach enables two measurements: glycocalyx height and the distribution of individual sugars distal from the membrane. These measurements show that the glycocalyx exhibits nanoscale organization on both cell lines and primary human tumor cells. Additionally, we observe enhanced glycocalyx height in response to epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and to oncogenic KRAS activation. In the latter case, we trace increased height to an effector gene, GALNT7. These data highlight the power of advanced imaging methods to provide molecular and functional insights into glycocalyx biology.

HER2 cancer protrusion growth signaling regulated by unhindered, localized filopodial dynamics
Protrusions are plasma membrane extensions that are found in almost every cell in the human body. Cancer cell filopodial and lamellipodial protrusions play key roles in the integral processes of cell motility and signaling underlying tumor invasion and metastasis. HER2 (ErbB-2) is overexpressed in diverse types of tumors and regulates PI3K-pathway-mediated protrusion growth. It is known that HER2 resides at breast cancer cell protrusions, but how protrusion-based HER2 spatiotemporal dynamics shape cancer signaling is unclear. Here, we study how HER2 location and motion regulate protrusion signaling and growth using quantitative spatio-temporal molecular imaging approaches. Our data highlight morphologically-segregated features of filopodial and lamellipodial protrusions, in in vitro 2D breast cancer cells and in vivo intact breast tumor. Functional-segregation parallels morphological-segregation, as HER2 and its activated downstream pAKT-PI3K signaling remain spatially-localized at protrusions, provoking new protrusion growth proximal to sites of HER2 activation. HER2 in SKBR3 breast cancer cell filopodia exhibits fast, linearly-directed motion that is distinct from lamellipodia and non-protrusion subcellular regions (~3-4 times greater diffusion constant, rapid speeds of 2-3 um^2 per s). Surprisingly, filopodial HER2 motion is passive, requiring no active energy sources. Moreover, while HER2 motion in lamellipodia and non-protrusion regions show hindered diffusion typical of membrane proteins, HER2 diffuses freely within filopodia. We conclude that HER2 activation, propagation, and functional protrusion growth is a local process in which filopodia have evolved to exploit Brownian thermal fluctuations within a barrier-free nanostructure to transduce rapid signaling. These results support the importance of developing filopodia and other protrusion-targeted strategies for cancer.

Chemistry of photosensitive fluorophores for single-molecule localization microscopy
Development of single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) has sparked a revolution in biological imaging, allowing “super-resolution” fluorescence microscopy below the diffraction limit of light. The past decade has seen an explosion in not only optical hardware for SMLM but also the development or repurposing of fluorescent proteins and small-molecule fluorescent probes for this technique. In this review, written by chemists for chemists, we detail the history of single-molecule localization microscopy and collate the collection of probes with demonstrated utility in SMLM. We hope it will serve as a primer for probe choice in localization microscopy as well as an inspiration for the development of new fluorophores that enable imaging of biological samples with exquisite detail.

Spatio-temporal correlation super-resolution optical fluctuation imaging
We describe a new concept of multimodal super-resolution imaging which combines the cumulant analysis from Super-resolution Optical Fluctuation Imaging (SOFI) with the imprinting of three-dimensional, spectral or other information into peculiar Point-Spread Function (PSF) patterns. This concept allows for encoding multidimensional or multimodal information into a single image plane and to extract this information by an appropriate spatio-temporal correlation analysis of emitter fluctuations. Here, we develop the general theory of this concept, and present proof-of-principle experiments of three-dimensional super-resolution imaging.

Two-photon PSF-engineered image scanning microscopy
We present two-photon fluorescence image scanning microscopy (ISM) with engineered excitation and detection point-spread-functions enabling 3D imaging in a single 2D scan. This demonstration combines excitation using a holographic multispot array of focused femtosecond pulses with a high-efficiency single-helix PSF phase mask detection. Camera detection along with a multiview reconstruction algorithm allows volumetric imaging of biological samples over a depth of field spanning more than 1500 nm with an axial resolution of better than 400 nm. The nonlinear two-photon process improves sectioning and the inherent longer wavelengths increase the penetration depth in scattering samples. Our method extends the performance of 3D ISM towards thicker biological samples.
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Visualizing the dynamic human genome with DHO 3D tracking and Light Sheet Microscopy
Visualizing the dynamic human genome with DHO 3D tracking and Light Sheet Microscopy
DHO-enabled 3D dSTORM unlocks insights into nanoscale structure of the brain
DHO-enabled 3D dSTORM unlocks insights into nanoscale structure of the brain
Imaging bacterial cell outer membranes in search of new antibiotics
Imaging bacterial cell outer membranes in search of new antibiotics
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